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so she reads
book blog!
“a reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . the man who never reads lives only one.”
- Norman Juster

Annika Pillai
my issue with ana huang's books
I thought, that after reading Twisted Hate, I had turned a real corner with Ana Huang’s books. I really did enjoy that book, after not...

Annika Pillai
karen m mcmanus’ books have actual crack in them
I don’t think I have read a single Karen M. McManus book that I haven’t at least liked. One of Us Is Lying was great, the sequel was...

Annika Pillai
i read if you could see the sun by ann liang and it was actually really good!
I came across this book on TikTok (surprise, surprise) and as someone who rarely dips her toes into YA, I was beyond excited when I...

Annika Pillai
a review of pretty dead queens
I don’t know if this has ever happened to anyone else, but when I start reading too many books from the same author, I start to get deja...

Annika Pillai
my thoughts on colleen hoover
I’ve got to be honest, this was something long overdue. It feels like these days, everyone and their mom has read at least one Colleen...

Annika Pillai
i read another elle kennedy book and it was not good.
I don’t know why I decided to request an ARC of this book, since I don’t even like Elle Kennedy’s books that much––the only one I really...
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